Fluke's Cradle - Out Now!

Eddie Noble had always wondered who his father was. His mother had died shortly after childbirth, and those shielding him from life’s future challenges were not always forthcoming with any answers.

Following a mysterious medical episode whilst searching for his mother’s grave, Eddie becomes increasingly convinced he is the person he was in a previous life. He then undergoes an enforced period of regression therapy to aid his rehabilitation.

Enter Marianne Borg, a beautiful psychic medium, Nathaniel Bream, a quirky psychiatric paranormal research specialist, and Professor Allan, a mental health scientist, who all take a particular interest in Eddie’s plight. 


eBook: Hardback: Paperback

ISBN: 979-8428566093 - First published 2022 by PublishNation

Available to buy now at  

What people are saying...

“Mal Foster has taken us to somewhere beyond just pure enjoyment. If plausible fiction exists, then this is it. 'Fluke’s Cradle' is a book with a unique and magnetic storyline. It’s also rich with vibrant, colourful, and memorable characters, to which, I suspect, we can all relate. No one should miss out on the experience of reading this. It’s a gem!” – Brenda Jackson  (Review Editor) 

“Sit back and enjoy what turns out to be quite a rollercoaster ride. This fast-moving song of a book has so many little twists and turns. It simply keeps you hooked. Arguably Mal Foster’s best writing yet.” – Fiona Browne

"A brilliant 'Must' read!" - Sue Mackender (Author of, Girl on the Hill)

"Fluke's Cradle' was brilliant, it brought back so many childhood memories. I haven't read a book this fast for years. I'll definitely recommend it to my friends." - Julie Errington.

"I've read this and as usual, it didn't disappoint. I can't wait for Mal Foster's next book." - Tricia Jackman

“Just finished reading ‘Fluke’s Cradle’, really enjoyed it. Couldn't put it down, it’s an intriguing story! Mal Foster's best book yet” – Jane Johnson

"What a unique storyline. I loved this book from start to finish. Such a great read!" - Jess Newman

"Of course, I enjoy his work. Interesting, engaging, unusual, and timely. Mental Health needs to be discussed. It is here with a great twist. People don’t talk enough about Mental Health. It’s a taboo subject. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. This book, by Mal Foster, might be a portal to introduce the subject for book clubs and reading circles. Forgive me if this comes across as judgemental; it is not my intention. I think Mal Foster is true to himself, most authentic, in the medium of Poetry. He comes alive & shouts from the page. He is the real deal." - Miles Harvey

"It's awesome!" - Morgan Wright, Animator & author


"Wow! I have just finished reading Fluke's Cradle; it certainly was a rollercoaster, I laughed and cried, and it kept me guessing right to the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it." - Ivy West

"This is my third book by Mal Foster, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I liked the storyline weaving between well-researched history and present-day psychiatry. A bit of a unique take and captivating nonetheless. It's now a question of which book to choose next.' - Lesley Smith.

"Well worth the read. Thoroughly enjoyed it!" - Jan White.

"Paranormal fiction isn't normally my thing, but I really enjoyed Fluke's Cradle". - Martin Durrard

"It's another great read. Kept me guessing until the end. Flukes Cradle is my second book by Mal Foster. I certainly will be reading more!" - Amazon Review 

"I read 'Fluke's Cradle' in one sitting. Yet another brilliant book. Well written and researched. Good luck with any next one!"  - Paul Clark

“It’s quite nice being able to relate to certain things, Camberley, Woking, Knaphill etc. I just can’t put the book down!” – Kay Rudd

“I really enjoyed Fluke’s Cradle.” - Amanda Bibby

"Awesome!" - Scott Manser

“Keeping within his usual style of writing, Mal Foster blends mystery, mental illness and plot twists to make for such an interesting page-turner of a book. The local area knowledge is astounding as I am local myself, I recognise the areas. The research into mental illness and the Angolan war makes for a very authentic feel to the main character's storyline. A wonderful read and I would recommend it to those that like mystery, intrigue and other-worldly forces!” – Emma Foy

“It’s got a great plot and it all gets tied up neatly at the end, I really enjoyed it!” – Zoe Hatfield

"Awesome story and plot. Great intrigue with Eddie’s rehabilitation and those involved directly and indirectly. Indeed the main characters show uniqueness, allowing the reader to thoroughly enjoy the journey through this tale of the human condition and its consequences." - Gary Fellows

"A cracking book..." - Simon Brown

"One of the best book covers I've ever seen. Simple, but beautiful." - Rebecca Ryder 

"Just finished reading Fluke’s Cradle,” – really enjoyed it, what a book!” – Dean Beer

"I really enjoyed all aspects of this book. I have learned so much while reading Fluke's Cradle, well done Mal Foster. You added depth to the story with all the facts about mental health. Proper page-turning read!" - Janette Prowse

"Terrific!" - Tracy Clark

“The Asylum Soul will probably always remain Mal Foster’s best book yet because of its subject matter; however, Fluke’s Cradle was a brilliant read. In-depth and well-researched. Tremendous!” – Fred Inwards

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Independent Interview


Mal Foster talks about his new novel 'Fluke's Cradle'



Mal Foster, talks to Kathy Kelso, about his publishing journey so far, and a little about his superb new psychological thriller, ‘Fluke’s Cradle’… 


Mal Foster, an author of the ordinary man? “Too bloody well right I am”, he says, grinning widely from behind his raised pint of rapidly disappearing Hells lager. Mal and I have known each other since we were teenagers. We used to indulge ourselves in contemporary poetry, Leonard Cohen, Hart Crane, Douglas Dunn, Jack Kerouac, Robert Service and the Mersey Poets, et al etc., whilst sipping long-lasting cappuccinos in an upstairs coffee lounge at the top of Camberley High Street. I’m delighted to say Galinis as it was known, has miraculously crept into Mal’s intriguing new book, ‘Fluke’s Cradle’ as part of its storyline. In those hurdy-gurdy days of the 1970s, a cappuccino was simply called frothy coffee and we both knew how to make it last, and for those of us who didn’t have two 5p pieces to rub together, it was a godsend. 


While I gazed down onto the street outside, Mal would concentrate on scribbling fragments of poems in a little green notebook he always carried around in the inside pocket of a well-worn fake leather jacket. Often, he’d be found at his usual table, with three other budding writers, Alan Guest, Jez Goodwin, and Sean Duffy… all four poor misguided souls had their own ideas on how their writing could change the world. Fortunately, naivete eventually gave way to reality and they all moved on to negotiate the rest of their lives quite differently from one another.  Mal though is still in contact with Jez, who is now, a successful TV chef and food resource expert who resides in Houston, Texas in the U.S.


Fast-forward 50 years and Mal prides himself on his independent author status…“If I’d sent any of my manuscripts to a traditional publisher, they would still be gathering dust and would never have seen the light of day. Thousands of fiction books are published each year in this country alone. I soon realised that the self-publishing option was probably the best way of getting my books out there.


What, if any, are the benefits of self-publishing? "Firstly, the author is in complete control of the whole process, including the book's promotion. The key thing is, is not to let your expectations be too high. Any self-published indie author who exceeds sales of 200+ copies in all formats will probably celebrate even though they will never get their initial investment back – that sadly is commonplace with self-publishing, but it’s a small price to pay for something that is so rewarding. If you treat writing as a hobby, you have nothing to lose."


Keeping his feet firmly on the ground, Mal adds, "I’ve always written for my own pleasure, not the money, if I did, I would be bitterly disappointed. That said, when a book is published, there’s nothing more pleasing than someone stopping me in the street and asking about one of my characters. It proves that people really can immerse themselves in what I write.”


Are there any downsides? “Yes, of course. Whilst I enjoy researching and writing my books. I find the editing process quite arduous. It can also be a potential minefield. It's where the manuscript is most vulnerable. For instance, there is nothing more annoying than when something gets missed during the final proofreading phase. Although errors can easily be fixed, through a quick Amazon edit, a missing question mark or a stray apostrophe can bug the hell out of you... something I know all honest authors will admit they go through. Also, after publication, the first few weeks can be quite nerve-wracking until the first pieces of feedback filter through. Luckily, most reviews I've received have always been quite positive.”


This all brings me nicely back to Mal’s exciting new novel 'Fluke’s Cradle’, a paranormal/psychological thriller that (as you will have seen above) has already been heralded by some early reviewers as his best writing yet...

This item originally appeared on the Woking Writere' Collective book blog in April 2022 



The Bookshelf Interview - 27 September 2022


At what point do you think someone should call themselves a writer?


I believe writing is partly about seeking an identity. I think, the moment someone puts a pen to paper, they are a writer. Upon publication, people will consider you an author anyway. There’s no looking back after that!


Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?


People usually ask, “When’s the next book out?” or simply mention certain characters they can identify with from one of my novels. Many can also identify with the locations I mention, particularly if it’s local, and that always provides me with positive feedback.


Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym, and why or why not?


For a number of years, I wrote poetry using a pseudonym. At the time, I wanted to keep my personal life, and writing separate. I was a little shy and didn’t want friends or family, apart from the odd girlfriend, to know that I wrote and had some published. In hindsight, this was a shame as getting my poems published eventually proved to be among my finest personal achievements. One day in the late 1990s, I woke up and recognised that it would be great to republish and share the poetry online under my own name. You know, shout it from the rooftops! In recent years, yes, I’ve regretted using the pseudonym when I was younger. All my books now are published under my birth name of Foster.


Have you ever killed off a character your readers loved?


My first novel is set in a Surrey lunatic asylum in 1929. It’s called The Asylum Soul. One of the characters, is called Maisie who falls in love with the book’s protagonist, Tommy Compton. Such a relationship was forbidden in those days, and, in the end, Maisie killed herself by jumping in front of a train at nearby Brookwood railway station. Some of my readers were incensed with what I had done. In the book, I had built her into such a loving and beautiful character. In my second novel, Fly Back and Purify, which wasn’t a sequel, I brought her back as a ghost.


Have you ever travelled as research for your book?


Yes, my third novel, An Invisible Nemesis is partially set on the Maltese island of Gozo. Other chapters were set in Venice, and Sicily. Researching and writing the book was a great excuse to travel to both Italy and Malta!


How do you celebrate when you finish your book?


With an air of apprehension. Sometimes, with a tear in my eye and a sense of relief. Always with a glass of wine or something stronger, even if its four in the morning.


How do you use social media as an author?


I have a website at www.malfoster.co.uk and use Twitter almost daily. I also have a Facebook page which is also updated at least once a week.


How long does it take you to write a book?


My first novel, The Asylum Soul, took about 18 months. Others slightly less. My latest book, Fluke’s Cradle, took around only six months.


What is the most difficult part of your writing process?


It’s the final editing and proofreading process. I feel it’s where the manuscript is at its most vulnerable. Nothing is worse than spotting an error after publication, even if it is just a stray apostrophe!


When did you write your first book and how old were you?


I was fifty-nine when I published my first novel, The Asylum Soul in 2015. If someone had told me just a few years earlier that I would write a novel, I would have seriously questioned their sanity. Now, I would thank them for the prophecy!


Interview by DV Stone LINK


Woking News & Mail -August 2022

Local Authors Meet the Public at Bookshop Signing

Four local authors came together to sign copies of their latest books at the Lionsheart Bookshop and cafe in Woking’s Commercial Way on Saturday (23rd July).

The mayor, Cllr Saj Hussein, joined the writers and congratulated them on their publications and the shop staff who helped organise the event.

“Arranging the event was something of an unknown quantity,” said Fluke's Cradle author Mal Foster, “I don’t think a multiple signing event had been attempted before, but with the help of the shop’s manager, Patrick Jones, we managed to pull it off with each of us selling a reasonable number of copies.”

Lelita Baldock, author of Where the Gulls Fall Silent, added, “I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was determined that we all had a fun afternoon, and we did!”

Also present was fantasy author JRC Cox, who recently published his debut, Kings of the Land and the 'Write Out Loud’ poet Greg Freeman, who was signing copies of his recent publications, Marples Must Go ndThe Fall of Singapore.

If you want to buy any of the author's books, signed copies are now on sale at 10% off their normal retail price at Lionsheart while stocks last.

(Reproduced: Courtesy - Woking News & Mail)

Writing Magazine - December 2022

Mal Takes Five

"In 2015, I inadvertently embarked on my novel-writing journey believing that my first book," says Mal Foster. "The Asylum Soulwould be a one-off. As I was about to rest on my laurels, I quite unexpectedly began receiving numerous requests such as, “When is your next book out?” and getting some very generous reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and elsewhere.

It didn’t take too long for me to realise that some people were actually reading and enjoying my work. I had also caught the writing bug, so inevitably, a second, third and fourth novel was always forthcoming, again with some great reviews.

Now though, I was at a crossroads, wondering where my next book was coming from. In the end, following a short spell and with plenty of time to think in hospital last summer, I didn’t need to look too far. Memories of my own upbringing and some of the things I witnessed in the 1970s presented me with a whole kaleidoscope of possibilities and my fifth novel,Fluke’s Cradle, was born.

The book, set in the present day, tells the story of middle-aged Eddie Noble, who is somewhat down on his luck. Eddie had always wondered who his father was. His mother had died shortly after childbirth, and those shielding him from life’s future challenges were not always forthcoming with any answers. Following a mysterious medical episode whilst searching for his mother’s grave, Eddie becomes increasingly convinced he is the person he was in a previous life. He then undergoes an enforced period of regression therapy to aid his rehabilitation.

Since its publication in April, the book has been very well-received and has been featured on local radio in Surrey. I’ve also hosted two very successful book-signing events in Woking where I live."

Fluke’s Cradle is available in Amazon's eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

(Reproduced Courtesy: Writing Magazine)

Knaphill Magazine - June 2022

When Knaphill author, Mal Foster completed his first book,The Asylum Soul, he thought the publication of his acclaimed historical novel would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. “I was really happy with just that,” he says. Seven years later, he has just released his fifth title, Fluke’s Cradle, which tells the story of a local man who wakes up from a coma, believing he is the person he was in a previous life. Only published in April by Publish Nation, it has already received numerous five-star reviews and has been labelled as Mal’s best writing yet.

Eddie Noble had always wondered who his father was. His mother had died shortly after childbirth, and those shielding him from life’s future challenges were not always forthcoming with any answers.

Following a mysterious medical episode whilst searching for his mother’s grave, Eddie becomes increasingly convinced he is the person he was in a previous life. He then undergoes an enforced period of regression therapy to aid his rehabilitation.

Enter Marianne Borg, a beautiful psychic medium, Nathaniel Bream, a quirky psychiatric paranormal research specialist, and Professor Allan, a mental health scientist, who all take a particular interest in Eddie’s plight.

Mal also hosts the Woking Writes book blog, which helps promote the work of other local writers and runs low-key ‘Writing as Therapy’ sessions in the area for people with mental health issues.

Fluke’s Cradle, is available in ebook, paperback, and hardback versions from Amazon.co.uk. The paperback is also stocked at the Lionsheart bookshop in Commercial Way, Woking.

Article Courtesy: Sue Stocker, My Knaphill